Different type of lessons

Which lesson to get ? How much teaching vs. free skiing? Lessons are expensive. But with the benefits of solid teaching, anyone will progress a lot faster, and have a lot more fun. The most effective way to learn is through a daily mix of teaching and practicing. Ideally, one would take a private half day […]

Ski teaching tools

How about using teaching aids to teach children to ski? There is a wide variety of teaching aids out there, from harnesses to contraptions that prevent crossing the skis or prevent the child from “running loose”. All of these can have specific positive applications, but can also have downright negative impact on the learning curve when […]


Telemark  is the oldest form of skiing. It was formalized in the 1800′ in the telemark region of Norway. It is also connected to the very first invention of skiing 5,000 years ago. Because of the free heel, telemark skiers use a different turn technique, with a characteristic kneeling stance you see occasionally out West, and quite a bit more […]