Who I am

A passion for skiing First, I am a ski buff. I started skiing at age 8, and even taught as a teenager. Then, I somewhat got lost in a life that involved suits, ties and lots of airmiles…until I found my true calling. In 2005 my family and I moved to Park City (thanks all […]

The family lesson

Many instructors cringe at the idea of a family lesson – a parent or 2, a child or 2, and perhaps even a grand parent or the odd uncle thrown in the mix… I love to coach this kind of group through – everyone is having fun (hopefully)  just being together and enjoying the moutain to […]

Kids ski boots and equipment

The most important piece of equipment (other than warm and comfortable clothing) are the ski boots. For very young children and /or beginn ers,  I really like the comfort and practicality offered by a 1-buckle, rear entry boot, such as this black model to the right. They are very easy to put on, have a […]

How early can my child learn to ski?

How young is too young ??? Some experts state that skiing can be learned as soon as a child walks. This is quite true although the progression will be slower for very young children than for teenagers or young adults, because sports movements are learned by reference to other movements learned in other sports or […]

Teaching beginners

Wedge-based or straight-to-parallel approach? Both approaches work, and there is no single answer. The choice is based on the available terrain, the rental equipment available, and other specific considerations. Most ski schools end up teaching a wedge-based progression, as this seems to work for most people, especially in group lessons settings. There are specific cases, […]

Ski teaching tools

How about using teaching aids to teach children to ski? There is a wide variety of teaching aids out there, from harnesses to contraptions that prevent crossing the skis or prevent the child from “running loose”. All of these can have specific positive applications, but can also have downright negative impact on the learning curve when […]