Who I am

A passion for skiing

First, I am a ski buff.

I started skiing at age 8, and even taught as a teenager. Then, I somewhat got lost in a life that involved suits, ties and lots of airmiles…until I found my true calling.

In 2005 my family and I moved to Park City (thanks all 5 of you…) and  I was able to explore my passion and start sharing it with others.

I now hold PSIA level 3 (alpine full certification) and a few other certifications for telemark, teaching children and coaching ski racing. I teach the general public during the week, on alpine and telemark skis. Most week ends, I coach our local young rippers age 10 and 11.

After the snow has melted, I focus my startup sailmaking company ( www.isails.com )…. or I go teach in Chile.

Teaching skiing is my passion – feel free to write if you have any questions, or want to inquire about a lesson.

Click the enveloppe to contact me: email-icon